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This function recognises and converts country names to different nomenclatures and languages using a fuzzy matching algorithm. country_name() can identify countries even when they are provided in mixed formats or in different languages. It is robust to small misspellings and recognises many alternative country names and old nomenclatures.


  to = "ISO3",
  fuzzy_match = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  simplify = TRUE,
  poor_matches = FALSE,
  na_fill = FALSE,
  custom_table = NULL



A vector of country names


A string containing the desired naming conventions to which x should be converted to (e.g. "ISO3", "name_en", "UN_fr", ...). For a list of all possible values click here or refer to the vignette on country names vignette("dealing_with_names"). Default is "ISO3", which converts to the 249 3-letter country codes currently in ISO standard 3166.


Logical value indicating whether fuzzy matching of country names should be allowed (TRUE), or only exact matches are allowed (FALSE). Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the function should print to the console a full report. Default is FALSE.


Logical value. If set to TRUE the function will return a vector of converted names. If set to FALSE, the function will return a list object containing the converted vector and additional details on the country matching process. Default is TRUE.


Logical value. If set to FALSE (the default), the function will return NA in case of poor matching. If set to TRUE, the function will always return the closest matching country name, even if the match is poor.


Logical value. If set to TRUE, any NA in the output names will be filled with the original country name supplied in x. The default is FALSE (no filling). In general, NAs are produced if: 1) the country is not present in the nomenclature requested in to (e.g. country_name("Abkhazia", to = "ISO3")), 2) the input country name is NA, 3) No exact match is found and the user sets the option fuzzy_match = FALSE, 4) When the fuzzy match algorithm does not find a good match and the user sets the option poor_match = FALSE. The na_fill argument gives the option to replace the resulting NA with the original value in x.


Custom conversion table to be used. This needs to be a data.frame object. Default is NULL.


Returns a vector of converted country names. If multiple nomenclatures are passed to the argument to, the vectors are arranged in a data frame. If simplify=FALSE, the function will return a list object.


#Convert country names to a single nomenclatures: (e.g. 3-letters ISO code)
country_name(x=c("UK","Estados Unidos","Zaire","C#te d^ivoire"), to= "ISO3")
#> [1] "GBR" "USA" "COD" "CIV"

#When multiple arguments are provided to the - to - argument, a data frame is returned:
country_name(x=c("UK","Estados Unidos","Zaire","C#te d^ivoire"), to= c("UN_en","UN_fr","ISO3"))
#>                                                  UN_en
#> 1 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
#> 2                             United States of America
#> 3                     Democratic Republic of the Congo
#> 4                                        Côte d’Ivoire
#>                                                 UN_fr ISO3
#> 1 Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord  GBR
#> 2                               États-Unis d’Amérique  USA
#> 3                    République démocratique du Congo  COD
#> 4                                       Côte d’Ivoire  CIV

#This function can also be used to translate country names: (e.g. translating all to Chinese)
country_name(x=c("UK","Estados Unidos","Zaire","C#te d^ivoire"), to= "name_zh")
#> [1] "英国"           "美国"           "刚果民主共和国" "科特迪瓦"