The package introduces several functions that identify special columns in country data. These functions can be used to automate basic tasks and detect data formats. Here is an overview of a few functionalities.
In this vignette we will use the first 10000 rows of a dataset on country policies as an example for the functions in the package. This dataset contains 41 columns and has a rather complex structure. Every row is identified by a combination of Country name (column 21), Year (Column 9), Policy measure number (column 1), and HS code (column 39) — which is a code identifying traded commodities. This dataset is an extension based on the WTO environmental databse (EDB). More information on the dataset can be found here.
The functions find_countrycol()
can be used to return respectively all
columns containing country names and date/year information.
In the example below, the function find_countrycol()
used to examine our example dataset. The argument min_share
is used to indicate whether to look for an entire column of Country
names or any column that contains Country names. This is a numeric value
indicating the minimum share of entries in the column that are country
#Columns of country names
#> [1] "COUNTRIES"
#Return any column containing a country name
find_countrycol(example, min_share=0)
#> [1] "Notifying Member" "COUNTRIES"
Similarly, we can look for time columns in the following way:
By default, the function will return the name of the column. However,
the argument return_index
can be used to get the indices of
the column in the table.
find_countrycol(example, return_index = TRUE)
#> [1] 22
find_timecol(example, return_index = TRUE)
#> [1] 9
Computations may take long on large tables with many columns. To
speed up operations, these functions operate by evaluating the table on
a random sample of rows. The sample size can be adjusted with the
argument sample_size
. It also possible to request to use
the entire table by passing the value NA
. Finally, it is
also possible to request not to return columns containing
values by specifying: allow_NA = FALSE
These two functions are based on is_country()
, which can be used to test if a string is a
Country name and a date. An overview of the first function is provided
in the vignette Dealing
with country names, here we have a look at `is_date()´.
takes a string vector as argument and outputs
a boolean vector indicating whether the strings are dates. The argument
can be used to specify the formats to be checked.
Standard R notation can be used for date elements (see the table
test <- c("December 2022", "20/01/1970", "Banana", "12.13.2000")
is_date(test, formats=c("%d/%m/%Y"))
Symbol | Definition | Example |
%d | Day number | 13 |
%a | Abbreviated day name | Mon |
%A | Full day name | Monday |
%m | Month number | 2 |
%b | Abbreviated month name | Feb |
%B | Full month name | February |
%y | Year 2-digits | 22 |
%Y | Year 4-digits | 2022 |
is a function that can be used to automate
the search of key columns in datasets. A table key is a column or set of
columns that uniquely identifies the entries in the table. This function
was specifically designed for country data, so it will prioritise the
search of country and time columns, which are often keys in country
As shown below, the function correctly identifies the keys for the complex dataset introduced at the beginning of this article.
find_keycol(example, allow_NA = TRUE)
#> country time
#> "COUNTRIES" "Year"
#> other other
#> "Nr" "Tentative HS chapters match"
The function outputs a vector of column names that uniquely
identifies the entries in the table. In addition, it also indicates
whether the column contains country, time or
other information. Just like the other find function
in this page, it is possible to request the column index instead of the
name by passing return_index = TRUE
Due to the potentially very high number of column combinations in a
table, the function only tests the more likely options. The function
will first look for country and time columns. Next, left-most columns
are prioritised. Also, the function will only look for the most common
country data formats (e.g. cross-sectional, time-series, panel data,
dyadic, etc.) and only searches for up to two additional key columns of
type other
. If no key is found at the end of the search,
the function returns a NULL
Computation can be slow on large datasets. Therefore, the function
evaluates only a random sample of rows from the table. The sample size
can be controlled with sample_size
. Moreover, it is also
possible to restrict the search to a subset of columns by providing a
vector of column names or indices in the argument
#This will only check if a key is found among the first three columns
find_keycol(example, allow_NA = TRUE, search_only = 1:3)
Finally, the function also permits the user to specify whether
columns containing NA
values are allowed to be considered
as table keys. The default is allow_NA = FALSE
because keys
should typically not contain missing values. However, in our example
dataset the column Tentative.HS.chapters.match
blank entries which are read in R as NA
, therefore the
default would return NULL
. The argument
is present to deal with these edge cases.
If the user wants to test a specific set of columns, the package also
provides the function is_keycol()
to check whether the
provided columns uniquely identify the entries in the dataset.